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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Late to Bed, Early to Rise

That seems to be the theme of my son's life this week...stay up late, get up early.  What gives?  Must be the longer hours of daylight!  My daughter complained that it was light when she got up on Friday.  She actually yelled at me for not getting her up at 6:30 when she likes to get up.  I looked at the clock and it said 6:28 a.m.  What gives?  I asked the cranky girl.  It's LIGHT outside!  she answered crankily.  I like to get up when it is dark!

Well, after the Spring Ahead time change tonight that will be possible again, at least for a few weeks.

By 8:23 a.m. today I had already watched 3 movies with the kids this weekend.   Last night we watched Sandlot again, A League of Their Own again, and this morning Jeremiah and I watched October Sky for the first time.  Jeremiah said last night that A League of Their Own might be the best baseball movie ever.  Of course he isn't old enough to see Bull Durham yet.  He won't be allowed to watch that until he is at least 26. 

Sierra built an ant trap this morning.  She found some ants in the guest room.  Drat!  I thought we had that problem solved.  I will have to hunt around outside for the anthill later today.  The trap was made of masking tape, lip gloss, and baby powder.  There was a flashlight involved in the process, too, on a little boxcar from an old wooden train set.  Six ants were trapped and sacrificed to the Goddesses of Cleanliness.  More ants will probably follow them into martyrdom.  Poor babies.

Jeremiah is working hard on his school work for next week.  He leaves Monday for 2 weeks in Ecuador with his dad.  He is missing school for a week and his teacher has kindly given him the work ahead of time so he won't be playing catch-up when he gets back.  He is going to do as much as he can this weekend, but will probably be taking some work with him.  His teacher also gave him a journal and asked him to write about his experiences while he is there.  She rocks!

Sierra, on the other hand, forgot her homework for the weekend at school.  Hmmm.   I guess we may have to make up for that by doing some chemistry experiments in the kitchen.  Maybe we will make a pie!!!  Now that's  better living through chemistry.


ron hardy said...

Drat! said the pie man. I wonder if he will memorize Crash Davis' "what do you believe in" line....when he is 26 I mean.

Susan Ryder said...

Oh my @Ron!

So, when are we going to see you again in these here parts, eh?

Kathleen said...

You've seen his parts?! Oh, sorry, misread the comment...

Collagemama said...

I love the ant trap with lip gloss!