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Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hey Sports Fans!

The Cubs were on WGN yesterday afternoon, a spring training game against the Dodgers.  So I got a great little nap in!  It was a calming experience after getting so worked up watching the Bulls-Heat game which the Bulls won by 1 point.  And after watching Jeremiah's last basketball game of the season Saturday that went into overtime.  They went into overtime because Jeremiah made 2 free throws at the end of the 4th quarter.

Jeremiah's team lost by 2 at the end of the overtime.  But the game was so exciting that one of my pastors who was there watching actually yelled out Holy Crap! at one point because s/he was so impressed at how well the boys were playing.  That pastor was mysteriously absent from church yesterday morning.  I hope s/he was doing penance by editing the video footage s/he took, and not absent due to a sore throat from cheering so loudly.

I hope the Presbytery Board doesn't find out about that, though I am prepared to say I had asked for prayer right at that moment if it matters.

The best part of the game, though, for me, was when Jeremiah's friend Evan took a shot and made a basket.  Jeremiah passed him the ball and Evan, the tallest kid on the team ,who had not taken a shot all season, turned and put it up and in it went, nothin' but net.  Evan has made lots of plays happen during the season, like tall kids can do with rebounds, defense, good passes.  I think I was possibly more excited than Evan himself about that basket.  And I was proud of Jeremiah for seeing the opportunity to set his friend up for a basket.

We watched the movie Sandlot this weekend, too.  The kids watched it Friday night and made fun of me for falling asleep halfway through.  So we watched it again yesterday afternoon.  I made it through the whole film (since I'd had that Cubs-game-nap experience earlier).  It's a sweet film, recommended to us by the Player-To-Be-Named-Later.  Another film with James Earl Jones.  My kids are impressed everytime they see him...the Voice of Darth Vader!  In person!  I wonder what it would sound like if Darth Vader yelled out Holy Crap!  Probably pretty scary. 


Kathleen said...

All I can say is, of course, "Holy Crap!"

Susan Ryder said...

It could have been much worse, you know. Like, if the other pastor had been there. I hear s/he has quite a potty mouth.

ron hardy said...

All I can say Kim is between the two of us we should be able to watch an entire movie. That is if we don't fall asleep during the same parts.

Ellen said...

James Earl Jones could say ANYTHING to me he wanted to, including Holy Crap, Holy Cow, or even Holy _ _ _ _. I LOVE his voice.

Good for Jeremiah too. What he did said a lot.

Kim said...

Ron, it will give us more to discuss after the film, like trying to piece the plot together.

Kim said...

Susan, I was going to say something similar in the posting but I thought I'd leave it up to you!

Collagemama said...

"Sandlot" is such a great movie!