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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Birds Eye View

It's Frozen Food Day!  Frozen foods first arrived in grocery stores in the 1930's in Springfield, Massachusetts.  They were developed by none other than Charles Birdseye.  The Birdseye brand is still around!

I don't know if you can get them at The Jewel in Normal because  I don't buy many frozen vegetables.  The last time I bought a bag of frozen veggies was when I had my shoulder surgery in '09.  I'm pretty sure they were Green Giant brand.  I used them for icing my poor sore shoulder.  I used ice so I wouldn't have to take as much vicodin.  I didn't want to take much vicodin because the last time I took it, in '85 when I had some wisdom teeth pulled, I gave away all of my money under it's influence.  Two packages of frozen corn are a lot cheaper.

I do have other frozen foods, though.  My freezer usually has a pizza, some chicken nuggets, fish sticks, and occasionally some hash browns or tater tots.  What's that?  Oh, of course there is usually some ice cream, too!  Of course of course of course.

There is no hummus in my freezer.

Outside the ground is frozen again, snow dusts the tree branches.  Thoughts of lilacs blooming outside the window are fading like a dream that I can just barely hold past the first cup of morning coffee.  A birds eye view of my back yard looks pretty white.  Oh wait, there is that black dog running around the fence line. A red hammock.  The bricks arranged in a circle for a pretend campfire by my daughter.  The lilac tree has some small brown buds that will eventually wake up and explode with color and scent.  If I squint my birds eyes just so, I can imagine some fresh vegetables growing along the south side of the yard.


Susan Ryder said...

We have Patron tequila in our freezer. It helps with the "eye-squinting-to-pretend-it's-spring" thing.

ron hardy said...

Frozen Stir Fry worked well on my sore elbow. I can't remember if I ever took Vicodin. But I do tend to give away small quantities of money if people ask me for it. When I'm "holding".

Kathleen said...

I was there in '09 to help you not give all your money away, and to alternate frozen veggie bags. I was remembering peas, but then I am always thinking of peas. Whirled peas.

Collagemama said...

Vicodin just made me stare at the tv watching the cable channel that showed aquariums all day and all night. That was '92. Too bad we don't get the fish channel anymore. It was better than most of what is on now.