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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Up All Night

Well, not all night but much of it.  Jeremiah got sick.  Child caring in the night time is sad for the kid but sweet for the mom, unless it is worrisome for the mom.  This seems to be a little stomach thing and hopefully won't turn into something worrisome.  He is a trooper, for sure.  Carpet cleaning in the middle of the night is sad for the mom.  Heck, carpet cleaning any time is sad for anyone, except the professionals who do it for the money, I reckon.

So now it's blogging time and I have what is called in Spanish mala noche.  Literally bad night but used to describe the hungover-like feeling of way too little sleep.  I don't know what the word for hangover is in Spanish because in Ecuador everyone uses the Quechuan word chuchaki (pronounced chew-chalk-ee, accent on the chalk).   

I was planning to blog about The Reverend Dr. Robin Meyers today but I think I am too mala-noched to do the workshop justice.   Here is a link to the  Pantagraph article  about the events.   I would like to say, though, that I had a fabulous little chat with Jim Pruyne of the Jim-and-Gwen-Pruyne-Lectureship-in-Progressive-Christianity fame during a short break in the workshop.  I vaguely knew Jim as a teenager through our family church University Christian Church.  I sat down and told him yesterday that I wished I had known him better when I was in high school because if I could have talked to someone like him I might not have left "the church" for so many years.  He warmed my soul with his response, "but I like how you came out of those years.  You are a fantastic person."  And I said, no, but I do have a fantastic life.

And I do, and I am grateful for it.  Dirty carpets and all.


Ellen said...

Jim Pryne is one of those people that ALWAYS seems to know the right thing to say. He came to teach a S.S. class one time at UCC and I remember asking him just what we can really do for someone that has lost a dear friend or family member. He sat there a minute and then said, "Sometimes just BEING there is enough" I'm glad you have had a chance to get to know him better and yes he might of been able to hold you to the church but maybe you needed that time away from the church to be able to come back now. I agree with him about liking HOW you came out of those years. You really are a fantastic person - dirty carpet and all.

Ellen said...

Sorry Jeremiah is sick. Hope he is better today.

Kathleen said...

Sorry about your boy. You are a fantastic person. And mom.

Connie Lou said...

I'm glad to know that you think child caring in the night is sweet for the mom, unless it's worrisome. I always liked the middle of the night feedings and people thought I was nuts. I don't like it when the child feels ill or has a bad dream, but the special extra time in the night with him is something that I treasure.