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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lunch with Jesus at the Bluestem Restaurant

Yesterday I ran across the word "bluestem" 3 separate times.  I am sure I've seen and heard this word before but I had not paid it the attention it was clearly due.  So the Universe brought it to my attention.  It's a prarie grass so named for the color of the stems in spring (blue, of course) but later it turns a beautiful orange hue and maintains that color even through the winter.  So this winter when I'm driving through the snowy Illinois countryside and I see a little orange plant poking through the top of the drifts I will say to myself, "Self, that there is sure to be some bluestem."  And then I'll drive on.  Perhaps there is another reason bluestem has been brought to my attention by the Universe at this time and perhaps I will figure it out.  But so far, it seems to be one of those random interesting facts that I now carry around in my brain. 

I awoke this morning with the memory of a little email survey that went around a few years ago among friends asking questions to help us get better acquainted.  One of the questions was, If you could have lunch with anyone in history, who would you choose?  I answered Jesus.  Which blew my friends away because this was in the days of my pre-return-to-church-going.  I still would choose Jesus for lunch, I think, because I still have a lot of questions to ask him.  But the lunch I imagine now would be a different affair than what I envisioned 10 years ago.

Ten Years Ago:

K:  So, did you really walk on water?
J:    What?  Who said that?


K:  Would you like to order the hummus?
J:    No, just a slice of bread please.

Well, I can see this has potential as a short story, so I'd better stop here.

I hope you all have a grand day, and have lunch with someone you love if you get the chance!


Kathleen said...

I hope to have chickpea in various soulful incarnations with you later today!

Ellen said...

Please do write that short story.