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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm Back!

Immediately upon arrival at The Brightwood Inn I was given some great news.  Because I had asked for an extra bed or cot to be put in my room for the first night so that my friend Cindy would not have a share a bed with me and be subject to my tossings and turnings, we were bumped from a regular room to The Aspen Suite.  Golly gee, it was grand.  I have pictures of it on my camera.  But you won't see them on the blog yet, because of the bad news I'm about to share with you.

Immediately upon entering my suite at the Brightwood Inn I dropped my computer.  And now the screen is so dark that it isn't possible to use it.  Hence no blogging while on my R&R.  I'm now home and using my work computer, which is fine except I can't upload my photos to it.  So you will have to use your imagination.

The suite was very nice, lots of light, and a small balcony facing Matthiesen State Park in the distance, across the cornfield.  There was a small kitchen area, a sofa that made into a bed, a gas fireplace, and a separate bedroom with the world's most comfortable bed!  The bathroom had a jacuzzi tub as well as a shower.  It was fabuloso!

I hiked at Starved Rock State Park twice, Mattheisen, and Buffalo Rock State parks during my 3 days there.  The colors were beautiful, especially in the canyons at Starved Rock.  And I ate like a pig while I was there.  A great porkchop sandwich on Tuesday for dinner, omelet for breakfast Wednesday, a delicious pastrami sandwich for lunch Wednesday, and this morning I had the world's best french toast.  I ate nasturtium flowers with my breakfast both days, too.  They are spicy, if you can imagine, and just a little sweet at the base of the pistils. I think I will grow some next summer in my garden just for the fun of munching on them!


Kathleen said...

Everybody tells me to eat my nasturtiums, and I always just gaze at them. Now I will have to try them.

The computer droppage was probably a heavenly nudge to make sure you spent all that time outside and eating!

Kim said...

I will come over and eat your nasturtiums! yum! Yes, I had that feeling about the Universe sending me a "get unplugged" message. My cell phone reception was also crappy just to put an exclamation point on that message.