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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Monday, April 4, 2011

Coffee-Drinking, Work-Doing, Blog-Writing, Football-Tossing, Proud Mama Kinda Gal

I'm up extra early today because I am going to a class in Springfield and I need to leave around 6:30.  I am trying to get some work done on my schedule for tomorrow on my work computer, drink some coffee, and blog at the same time.   If I were a superheroine I would be MultiTasking Woman!

Sadly, though, I am not a superheroine and mostly I have accomplished the coffee drinking part only.

It was very warm yesterday here, our first day of over-70 degree temperatures.  I played basketball in the driveway with The Boy.  I played baseball in the backyard with The Boy.  I threw a football to The Boy while he bounced on the trampoline.  I threw one overhand spiral that earned some admiration points from the Boy...."Mom, perfect spiral and you threw that one HARD!"  It just goes to show you that the law of averages will always win out and after 7 million bad passes one of them will accidentally be just right.

Sierra earned some serious admiration at church yesterday with her coin-collecting-to-help-Japan endeavor.  I read an announcement during the service about her project, and then she set up a table after church to collect coins.  When we left she had not only lots of coins but also over $30 in bills from people who claimed not to have any coins.  One gentleman came to the house in the afternoon to drop off coins because he didn't have any at the service.  I think that with all the contributions so far she must have about $80+.  So thank you to everyone who is making her know she can make a difference.


Collagemama said...

You do have super powers! What color cape would you like?

Kathleen said...

Yay, Sierra! Yay, MultiTasking Mama!

Susan Ryder said...

I shall bring coins on Wed. Have fun in Springfield!

Unknown said...

I'm almost on my way back to Normal - have been saving coins for Sierra - will she still be collecting next Sunday?

Kim said...

Sweet P - Coins will continue to be collected until we have reached the $200 goal. Thank you!

Susan - Thank you, too.

Collagemama - I would like a lavender and pewter cape, please.

Yay, Kathleen!