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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wish List

Today is "Elephant Appreciation Day."  I don't really know how to show appreciation for an elephant.   Fortunately I don't own one, so it shouldn't ruin my day.  Perhaps if I had an elephant I would feed it white chocolate today, since it is also White Chocolate Day. 

Clearly I have nothing interesting to blog about today.  I watched Parenthood last night while eating some homemade hummus, then fell asleep.  I slept in a bit this morning and soon I will be heading out for work. 

Boring, I know.  If only I had an elephant, then I would have something cool to blog about.  If I only had a brain, a heart, the nerve, an elephant! Or some ruby slippers. 

Jeremiah said the other day if I would get him an iPad he would never ask for anything again.  I said if I could have just one thing it would be to know that my kids will be happy when they are grown up.  The kids looked at me and said "Mom!  We ARE happy." 

Yesterday he asked for the iPad again.  This time I said I would like to have World Peace.  I said if he could make World Peace a reality I would get him an iPad.  I hope he's working on that. 


Kathleen said...

Also, on top of mashed potatoes, whirled peas.

ted tingley said...

Never fly with elephants.