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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dogs Driving

I woke up this morning from a dream in which I was having a little Irish temper tantrum about having had to drive in complete dark and being unable to see at all.  In the dream I had my lights on, but still could not see the road at all.  I somehow managed to arrive at my destination safely, but I was understandably upset about the whole experience.  At the end of the dream I was telling someone how awful and frightening it was. 

Then I tell that same person that even when the dog was driving earlier it was pretty dark.

O I love the weirdness of the dream state.

Well, onto other topics.

Today my coffee is so strong that I think I might levitate any minute now.  Francisco used to call my extra-strong coffee "Levanta Muertos" which means "Raise the Dead" but I think today's cup might be able to even raise the living.  Jesus Coffee House, are you interested?  (For my Tennessee readers, there is such a place in Bloomington.)  And interestingly, it's Organic Love Buzz coffee, too.  I think today's coffee might be that Fundamental Glue I've been looking for.  (Oops, preposition at end of sentence alert...get out those red pens y'all.)

O I love the weirdness of the waking state.

I think I'm about to be raised up to a new world record caffeine high and later will crash then get tired and cranky.  So if you want to ask me a favor today, you might want to call before 7:30 this morning.


Kathleen said...

Yes, yes, anything called Organic Love Buzz is bound to raise one's spirits.

I was going to ask you to drive me somewhere, but I think I'll ask your dog.

Susan Ryder said...

New Grammar Rules, or so "they" tell me -- it's fine to end a sentence with a proposition. However, I am finding that when I try to do so, like now, it eludes me.

ted tingley said...

Better get your lights checked.

ted tingley said...


Connie Lou said...

Don't forget to check your tires! :)
I love strange dreams...

Connie Lou said...

melicki is the word I had to type to post! ROFLMAO!