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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I Found My Danged Camera

YES!  I found it.  In my suitcase, in a semi-secret compartment for spies, I guess, because I had no idea it was there nor that I had put my camera in it.  But, just because it had to be SomeWhere, I looked in my suitcase once again and...felt a lumpy thing...and then had to search for the right zipper to give me access to my danged camera.

O camera, how I have missed you!

Tuesday night I had some work friends over for an hors d'oeuvre and wine potluck.  Also my fine neighbor Shannon brought me my weekly vegetables from Henry's Farm.  So now I have leftover brownies, Rice Krispie/Cocoa Pebble treats, hummus, spinach dip, AND I have a fresh new head of lettuce, broccoli, some green garlic shoots that are beautiful and curly, and some cilantro.  Life is good.

O wait, I can show you pictures!

Laura, who has 4 sons ages 5 years to 6 weeks, made these treats.  How did she have time to do that?  It's a mystery!  She must have access to nonlinear time!

And the curly green garlic is pretty, too, isn't it?  Ok, well it's different anyway. What the heck am I gonna make out of that?  You'll be sure to hear about it when I know.

Here's my knobstopper in action!  Keeping the bottle of rooster juice fresh.

It's a great thing to spend time with friends and find lost items, quiet a little fussy baby, and eat good food.  All in all, it was a danged fine day!


Ellen said...

Glad you found the camera. Now we can quit looking. WHEW!!!!

Can't wait to see what you make of the green "things".


Kathleen said...

Yum and yay!