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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Saturday, June 12, 2010


When I was a kid, my grandad Tingley called all of his grandchildren either Bill or Feathers.  My dad calls his grandkids all Smokey.
This picture's for YOU, Dad:

I saw a similar billboard today in Bloomington, which inspired this blog entry.

Dad called his 3 daughters by boy's names for nicknames:  I was Mike, Jill was Sam, and Connie was Bill.  (I guess Dad was practicing for grandparenthood by then.)  But when our brother Mark was born, we girls wanted to give him the nickname Sue.  It seemed fair.  And Johnny Cash's song "A Boy Named Sue" was popular.  Dad would have none of it.

Recently I mentioned this to Dad.  He can't believe he wouldn't let us call Mark "Sue."  He's mellowed a bit since then.

And speaking of mellowing:  once when I was in high school, I recommended a very funny movie to my parents.  Blazing Saddles.  They were "disgusted" by it!  15 years later when Mark, (not SUE!) rented it and they watched it with him, they loved it.  When I asked why they had changed their mind about it, Dad said, "Something was wrong with us back then.  We had too many kids!"

Yes, too many kids.  I see that now.  And never argue with a guy with the biggest pitchfork.  That's my motto. 

So back to nicknames:  Jeremiah is called "Miah" sometimes by all of us, "Puppy"sometimes by me, "Brother" sometimes by his dad.  Sierra is "Sisi."  And when they have kids, I'm going to call them all...Sweet Pea for the girls, and Sue for the boys!


Kathleen said...

That pitchfork reminds me of the mouth of a baleen whale, thanks to the poet Claudia Emerson.

I made up a nickname in my head today for Chicago Cubs, White Sox, and Blackhawks fans. Chox. Perhaps this already exists, or perhaps I truly invented it. Nonetheless, you can help spread the term. I invented "family wamily" and it has already started to spread.

Spreads like hummus!

ted tingley said...


Kathleen said...

Possibly, Choax would be a better spelling and pronunciation, gathering the essence of the Cubs.

Connie said...

I remember Grandad calling us Frosty.

Kim said...

Connie, that's true! I'd forgotten about that one!

Kathy - how about Whubawks? Or Whawkubs!