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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Today's forecast: Hot and Humid

It's gonna be another hot and muggy day in Central Illinois.  Must be summer! 

I think the humidity, in addition to causing me to sweat profusely if cold air isn't blowing directly on me at all times, and to aforementioned issues with the volume of my hair, also has caused my brain to slow down to a crawl.  To the speed of molasses running uphill in winter.  I'm running on Turtle Time, in slllooooowww motion.  Or at least my brain is.

I'm just thinking...okay, there was a very long pause there...um, lost my train of thought. 

Like I said.
I had my second interview for the job I was looking at and have decided it would be "out of the frying pan and into the fire" so for now I'm staying put.  I guess it's good to look around once in awhile to see if you really have it so bad...I'm thinking too slowly to decide if I do or not.  Probably better wait until the humidity subsides before I make any big decisions.

I think a job selling snow cones sounds good today.


Susan Ryder said...

A couple of summers ago, when it was hot and humid like this, forever, and my brain melted and fell out of my head, I coined two new uses of the "f" word in relation to the heat. You may borrow them, as long as I get full credit for them. And as long as there are no children around to be corrupted. Replace the "..." with the aforementioned "f" word. It's seriously satisfying, and cools you down measurably.

In response to "how hot is it?" you reply:
1. It's hotter than a bucket of ...
2. It's at least a hundred and ...

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, perhaps I should have posted the above anonymously?

Kim said...

susan who?