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Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thoughts on Garlic

Tuesday nights are the nights that my neighbors Shannon and Joe, and I, go to Henry's CSA to pick up our share of Henry's organic produce for the next 20-some weeks.    It's like a pre-paid Farmer's Market.

This was the first week.  Shannon and her daughter and I drove to the parking lot of the Unitarian Church, got our names checked off the list of members, got out Henry's CSA Cookbooks, and headed to the produce laid out for us to pick up.  We were allowed:  2 bags of spinach (easy to split), rhubarb (I gave it to Shannon since it wasn't much and I can get some from Francisco's clients that have a field of rhubarb they never use), a head of lettuce (we split it), radishes (I took those for Sierra), chives, and...Green Garlic.

I've never had green garlic before,  It looks more like humongous scallions.  I used a recipe from Henry's website to make Green Garlic Pesto.  Chopped up green garlic stalks, grated fresh parmesan, olive oil, water, salt, pepper, walnuts,  Fire up that food processor and have at it.

Making the pesto, I felt so, well...cultured...that I decided I should be playing some cool jazz on the radio.  But when I went to the radio, I put the Cubs game on instead.  The devil made me do it.

So, the pesto looks beautiful, smells good, and tastes like GARLIC pesto.  Get it? 

But it's really, really good.

So, then I got curious about garlic.  I've heard it cures colds, keeps away vampires, and so on.  But a quick perusal of medical websites shows that REAL scientific studies don't give any of those stories any credibility.  Ok, they don't even mention vampires, but they do talk about colds, preventing atherosclerosis, and so on.    No Evidence.

But I have a theory.  And yes, I'm gonna tell you what it is.

If you eat garlic, especially this garlic pesto I just made, every day...no one will get close enough to give you a cold.  SO it might just be legit.  Also this works well as birth control, if this is of interest to any of my Gentle Readers.

Next I made a great salad dressing with the chives.  But that's another story for another day.


Kathleen said...

And green garlic hummus is coming soon, too, yes?

Susan Ryder said...

What about your hair? You promised.

Kim said...

Susan, do you need my little sign that says "Lord give me patience. And hurry." ???

I don't think today is a good test as the relative humidity seems to be below 99.99% for the first time in a week. But I did have to "fluff" a little blow-drying today so that may be a good sign!

Kathleen said...

Green garlic shampoo!