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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I didn't mean for my blog to scare people yesterday.

But for gosh sake's, they were just googley-eye glasses and my kids and me.  And the dog.

Really scary things, to me, include:
1.  Dracula, the book
2.  Bad turbulence on an airplane
3.  Scary movies with lines like "I know who you are and I saw what you did..."
4.  Goldman-Sachs
5.  People who take the Bible literally (really sorry, again)
6.  Rod Blagojevich as Governor of my state  (bad flashback..again, I NEVER voted for him)
7.  Being Hispanic in Arizona.
8.  Cudjo.
9.  Donald Trump's hairpiece.
10.  Tornado sirens

Add to this list, the idea of my kids becoming teenagers.

So -- photos of people in creepy glasses, not on my list.  Sorry if they are on yours.  Sorry if you have nightmares tonight in which Everything That Rises Must Wear Scary Glasses. 

On to things that calm me when I am afraid:

1.  My kids since they are still little and sometimes I have to be calm for them
2.  My dog just because.
3.  Praying in the form of hollering for God to help me (especially if I am being afraid of tornadoes.)
4.  A basement (especially if I am being afraid of tornadoes)
5.  Comfort food like popcorn
6.  Books, if they are not Dracula or contain stories by Flannery O'Connor.
7.  Songs, old hymns and classic rock songs from the 60's and 70's.  Weird I know.  But who could feel afraid when singing..."Let It Be" or "In the Garden"
8.  A nice deep breath
9.  Hummus (ha, you knew it would be here somewhere)
10.  A nice deep breath followed by eating popcorn in the basement with the kids and the dog.

Add to the list the idea that once my kids are teenagers that won't last forever.

SO, life is good, sometimes challenging, but what do we have to fear but fear itself?  And me in googley-eye glasses?


Kathleen said...

Fear itself.

Or pine nut hummus left on the picnic table long enough that rabbits pooped in it, since rabbit poop can resemble pine nuts.

Kim said...

How do you know that? Now I am afraid to eat pesto.