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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's My Mom's (not Theodore's) Birthday

In honor of my mom, Ellen, not Theodore, I dedicate today's blog to her.

Yup, that's right, forgot to send a present. 

I thought I would write a humorous piece about our trip to Alaska, but that's kind of old news, since we took it in 1996.  And then I thought I'd put some pictures of a donkey pulling a cart full of flowers on here for her, but couldn't find a photo of that ANYWHERE on the web.  I wanted to do that so she could see how cute that idea of a donkey cart with flowers REALLY was.  Even if it was made of crappy plastic.

She doesn't really like hummus, so the picture of the Yet Newer Kind of Exciting Hummus I found on Monday won't really be her cup of tea.  But look! 

It's Greek Olive Hummus.  I'd share some with her if she liked hummus and wanted some.  But I think she'd rather chew on a plastic donkey cart than eat this, though she's too nice to say so.

I was thinking about my mom yesterday morning when the Weather Channel showed video of a woman in Oklahoma who drove around a barricade then got stuck in water and it took four police/fire people to rescue her.  After they rescued her they arrested her for driving around the barricade.  So, I was just thinking, you know, glad my mom's never been arrested for THAT.  Or anything else, of course. What else says love like a Hallmark card that says "Glad that wasn't you getting hauled away, Mom!"

I think I have a future in the greeting card business.

I should have gotten my mom a gift, I know.  She and my dad have already given me my birthday gift this year and my birthday isn't even until October.  They gave me 5/7 of a patio table!  My dad assembled the entire table, thank goodness, because I know I wouldn't be able to put the last 2/7 of it together myself.  (It's the same table in yesterday's blog with the plants on it.)

I think if I go on long enough here she'll laugh so hard she won't notice I didn't send a card, either. 

I guess I'll have to take the gift AND card with me when I travel to Tennessee in June. Hey that's only 2 weeks away.  I'd better get shopping!

I love you mom!  Happy happy birthday.  I'll be calling (collect) later!


Unknown said...

Well, daughter, this was quite a surprise when I pulled up your blog and saw it was to me. WHen you are 74 and your daughter writes a blog for you, then you will know it's BETTER than a card but you can still bring it with you when you come down.

Two weeks???? Oh my gosh, I gotta get busy.

Love you daughter, Your momma

Kathleen said...

Happy Birthday, Theodore!