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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy Two Thousand and Eleven

I got the kids to sleep around 11 last night, letting them watch movies until even Alvin and The Chipmunks couldn't keep them awake.  I talked on the phone to the player-to-be-named-later, and then I, too, went to sleep in the New Year.  I think this is the first year I've been awake to see the New Year Arrive since I usually fall asleep earlier than midnight.

We had tornado warnings and an apparent near-flood in my home yesterday.  I was at work and my cell phone rang and Caller ID said "MOM" so I answered it.

Where is your toilet plunger?  she asked.

I answered and then we hung up.  A few hours later I heard the weather report of tornados just to the north and west of us, so I called.  No answer.  I called a few minutes later.  No answer.  I called a third time.  No answer. 

By then the weather had settled down and I was finished seeing my patients.  I headed home and no one was here but there was also no sign of a flood.  This time she answered the phone.  Apparently all was well, and a friend from out-of-state had called to let them know she had seen severe weather reports for this area, so they knew what was going on.

Wait a minute!  She answered the phone when Luann called but not when I called?  Hmmm, we will have to have a little talk about that now won't we?

Well it is great to have my folks here.  Today I think we will be measuring the guest room for the laminate flooring project.  Tomorrow we will go pick out some flooring.  I may have to invite the book group to go with me to pick out the right kind.  OR just call Sweet-P-Dub to ask her opinion, since I went with her recommendation in the bathroom wall color election. (Hi Sweet P!!  Happy New Year!!!)

I think I may have to make a pie later, too. 


Kathleen said...

OK, a lot going on here. I am waiting for the other shoe, er, toilet plunger to drop, and I misread that last sentence before the parentheses as "bathroom wall color erection," but...Happy New Year to you, too!!

ron hardy said...

Oh-oh. did I hear someone say pie?

Ellen said...

The rubrb pie with ice cream was so good. It was even better after the third piece.

This is from TED.