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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Balm on Sunday Evening

Last night I was putting Sierra to bed and talking about something that made me feel sad.  She told me some things that make her feel sad, too.  Then I looked over at the bookcase on the head of her bed and saw this.  (Scanned with permission, to be returned to it's rightful place this morning.)

I asked her to tell me what it meant to her.   She read to me:  God loves everyone.  Jesus loves everyone.  Friends care.   Family cares.  (Geasis is the new Jesus, I think.)

I don't know when she drew it and hung it on the head of her bed.  But she did.  And it soothed my soul.


Kathleen said...

I love Geasis. And now my head is humming a balm in Gilead.

Kim said...

That's a good tune to keep humming today, to Make the Wounded Whole.

ron hardy said...

The four quadrants of the cross. Out of the mouths, hands, and hearts of babes...amazing.

Ellen said...

That little girl never stops thinking. I'm glad.

Balm in Gilead is one of my favorite songs.