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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Grass is Greener on My Side

Last night I sat down with the kids and watched Field of Dreams with them from beginning to end.  Here is the good news, from their standpoint:  Mom didn't cry.  (Well,  not in front of them, jeez.  I snuck off to the bathroom to blow my nose and wipe my eyes.)  When I told Sierra I wanted to read that book to them some day, she asked "Does it have any bad words in it?"  She, too, has an Inquiring Mind.

I think it probably does have some bad words in it.  The movie does.  And when the character Ray describes his days at Berkeley and says "I smoked some grass,"  my kids said "What?  WHAT?  Why did he smoke grass?"   So I got to explain what that meant.  But they weren't very curious about it once they learned what that was.  They know that smoking is bad for you, whether the tabbacky is wacky or not.
They didn't ask me if I had ever done that.  The Inquiring Minds have not yet latched onto the fact that their mama was once young and might have done anything more interesting than raise children.  That's just fine for now, just fine.

Meanwhile, the floor project is well underway.  It's gonna be beautiful.  The pie is gone.  I ate the last little sliver last night.  It was really good, if I do say so myself.    I do, I say so, myself.

Today the little people head back to school after 2 weeks of vacation.  They have had a nice break, but they are ready.  Jeremiah admits he is ready.  Sierra pretends that she is not.  Why can't you Home School us?  she asked yesterday.  In my mind, I threw out some phrases like "recipe for disaster" and "hell on Earth" but what I said was, "well, I have to work to pay the bills so I can't be home to home school you."  She offered to give me some money to help with the bills.  It's nice to know she wants to spend more time together. 


Kathleen said...

You are so funny I forgive you for eating the last sliver of pie without me getting one single bite.

ron hardy said...

If it's possible to twist pie crust like a knife blade, you have done it Kim.