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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Million Dollar Idea

Here is a product that I have been purchasing regularly for the past several months:

It's not for me (can't you see it says MEN on the label?)  It's for my son.  Who now, thanks to the miracle of modern chemistry, actually gets clean from hair to toenails in the shower.  He follows the instructions on the back for this product (combined shampoo+conditioner+bodywash) which begin simply enough, because after all it is for men.  The instructions begin by saying Get wet. 

Okay, women everywhere are laughing hysterically right now.  But men are thinking, oh, wouldn't it be great if I didn't actually have to get in the shower and get wet first?  I could just slap some on and go, and my (insert here either mom, wife, girlfriend, sister, the nuns at school) would not wrinkle up their noses and say "Did you shower today?  Ughh.")  But, no this product requires the man using the product to get wet first. 

Of course they might just pull over to the side of the road during a rainstorm and use it instead of getting in the shower. 

The Player to be Named Later and I had a million-dollar-idea about a product which would include not only shampoo+conditioner+bodywash, but might have other uses as well.  Top on the list was toothpaste, because imagine if you could just brush your teeth in the shower (or by the side of the road), how convenient that would be.  Also high on the list was Shower Cleanser.  The idea of Laxative came up but was rejected.  Not everyone needs that and it seemed at odds with the Shower Cleanser idea.  Things like Deoderant, Anti-Aging Botox Infusion, Carburator Cleaner, and Caffeine seemed like good ideas, too.

So, to review, here is what we have so far

Shampoo+Conditioner+Bodywash+Toothpaste+ShowerCleanser+Deoderant+WrinkleCream+CarMaintenance Products+CoffeeSubstitute

There were others, which I cannot recall at this moment.  So maybe my version would also have some Gingko Biloba thrown in.  Yes, now with Memory-Enhancers!  That would sell, for sure.


Ellen said...

I suppose when they get the Memory Enhancers included that's all I will get from my children. Oh, and also the Wrinkle Cream.

Kathleen said...

Yes, yes! Excellent idea. Do I have to bring the carburetor into the shower with me? My husband does actually brush his teeth in the shower!!

ron hardy said...

Omni-Suave or Suavendless should include a quick drying laundry detergent so you could be dressed in the shower while doing the many other amazing things. A Suavendless for women could include birth control. Soft Suave.

ted tingley said...

Work in something to eat and then you will be on a roll. Or a bun.

Collagemama said...

I swear my teen sons used to squirt some aerosol Febreez into the air and then 1-2 punch through the mist and consider themselves clean. In the final frontier, this product of yours might be like Kirk and Spock being beamed up by Scottie, but through a cleansing/nutritional Pixie Stix/memory-enhancing/disco strobe/Inagaddadavida drum solo.