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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Book Group's Book Group

My book group rocks.  We are a group of 7 or 6 (depending on if Sweet P-Dub is in Illinois or California at the time.)  We are smart.  We are funny.  We are caring.  We love each other.  We watch out for each other.  We laugh really hard. Sometimes we cry.  One member pretended to snore last night when we were trying to pick a book to read for our next meeting.  (See, we protect each other's confidentiality, too.)  We hug.  Did I mention that we rock?

Here is the other thing:  We All Read and Actually Discuss the Book.*

Sometimes Kathy sends out questions to get our brains going a few days before the meeting.  She did this for us this time, when we met last night to discuss Abide With Me. 

Because we all care about each other and because some of us don't get together except for book group, we usually spend a while chatting first.  Then I get a little antsy and say, "Let's talk about the book now."  Because I always want to hear what everyone has to say about the book.

* Ok, one time we met twice to discuss the same book because not enough people had read it the first time and as I recall we didn't even discuss it the second time.  I myself could not finish the book.  It was a memoir and I cannot even recall the title.  Though I'm pretty sure I did read at least the title.  What did we do at the meeting when we did not discuss the book?  We ate hamburgers, of course.

Every woman needs a group like this.  I am so so so grateful for my book group.  I am a groupie of my own book group.  That is a great thing indeed!


Kathleen said...

Hey! I wrote about this, too!

Susan Ryder said...

The book we never read or discussed was "Lost in Translation."

And thanks for not naming the snorer! As I recall, the snoring was triggered by a description of the book that included fly fishing and baseball. No wonder I, err, SHE snored.