About Me

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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Thursday, July 1, 2010


On Wednesday afternoon I simultaneously watched a Cubs game on TV and took a nap.  I'm so good at multitasking!

Here are some other activities I seem to be able to do at the same time with ease: 

walk and chew gum

blog and drink coffee

drive and curse

eat drink and be merry  (3 simultaneous tasks...a new record for me)

sing outloud and embarrass my children

read and sunbathe

love Sierra and love Jeremiah..."yes, the same amount...yes, even though you are very different...yes,yes,yes"

cry and laugh.

And here are two things I can't do simultaneously:  shower and type.  See ya tomorrow!


Kathleen said...

You definitely need one of those mini waterproof backscratcher computers that hang from the shower nozzle.

Ellen said...

Oh PLEASE!!!!!

Kim said...

Kathy - that sounds like a very Uppity Doodad!

Susan Ryder said...

I have no comment -- other than that your post made me laugh (as they usually do). I just thought I'd admit I started a blog. In March. It now has two entries. But no comments.


Susan Ryder said...

Hmmm, that did not make a link. I thought it would. Drat. Okay well, copy and paste that, OR just go to my profile. It's called "Dog is My Co-Pilot." For now anyway.