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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Friday, July 16, 2010

Things We Learned

On Jeremiah's birthday we learned a couple new things.

One.  Nine year olds who pretty much know what they are getting are NOT fooled by wrapping a small package in a big box. 

Two.  They still are happy when they got what they wanted and no surprises.

Three.  It's easier to blow out the candles if you put them all in one cupcake!

Four.  Fresh blueberries, ice cream, milk, and a little sugar mixed in the blender makes a great summertime treat.

Five. Nine year olds like reading about themselves in their grandma's blog!

Six.  Nine year olds REALLY like getting $5 more than they were expecting in grandma and grandad's card!

Seven.   If your mom forgets and leaves her cell phone in the car and then the battery runs down you won't receive the calls from your grandma and grandad and the next day your mom is going to let you call them back.  (Sorry.)

Eight.  If you can toss three beanie babies onto the blades of a ceiling fan and then turn it on, it's really funny when they come flying off.  That is, if you are eight or nine.

Nine.  I think that's enough learning for one birthday.



Ellen said...

Wow, that's a LOT to learn about 9 year olds.

Glad the day was a success. The extra money was because the gloves were not as expensive as his mother thought they would be. Not a tip for being 9 years old.

Susan Ryder said...

Don't forget to show him the e-card I sent, via Jacquie Lawson e-cards! It was sent to your email, hope you got it? Glad it was a great birthday!

Kathleen said...

I'm considering the beanie babies on the ceiling fan adventure.

I was a little worried that it would turn out like the blueberries in the blender, only not so tasty.

And harder to clean up.

Kim said...

We didn't get a chance to open the card until tonight...he loved it! I especially liked the dog dreaming of a walk, and the dog blowing out the candles. Thanks!

Susan Ryder said...

Good. I was hoping it was not too young for him, since he's 9 now!