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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Saturday, July 17, 2010

No Joke!

I dreamt last night that I was going to perform a stand-up comedy routine in Spanish!  I was getting ready to go on-stage and realized I didn't have my props, which were 2 stuffed animals.  I found some substitute ones, and was feeling a bit better.  Then I tried to recall my monologue, and my mind was blank.  I couldn't even remember the topics I was going to talk about.

And, I'm not even funny in Spanish!

Well, what a relief to wake up in my own bed, in my own home, with plenty of stuffed animals around.  Even if some of them are living on ceiling fans.

I think my monologue must have been about hummus.  But I'll probably never know.

Did you hear the one about the Spanish-speaking chickpea?  No, me neither.

Well, today we will be staying home and resting.  In particular we will be resting Jeremiah's right leg.  He complained all last week about his ankle hurting "a little" and we've been putting ice on it sometimes and using an ace wrap sometimes.  Yesterday during his baseball game it became obvious that something is wrong.  He was running around on his right toes instead of the foot.  Hobbling is the word I'm looking for, hobbling around.  Yes, not what a physical therapist mother wants to see.  Ice and ace wrap after the game.  Ice and ace wrap and tylenol all day today, leg will be elevated (as soon as he gets up) and if that doesn't make it better, we'll probably be getting it xrayed soon. 

I was feeling confident until yesterday that it was a minor sprain.  Then when I woke up this morning, after the relief of not having to give a Spanish monologue at a comedy club, I remembered the story of my boss at the last hospital where I worked.  She too, is a physical therapist.  Her son hobbled off and on for 3 weeks before she took him to the newest orthopedic doctor in town who xrayed his foot and said it was broken.  Then gave her "the look" when he realized it had been that way for 3 weeks and that she was a physical therapist.

I don't want to get that look.

But your kid keeps saying, "it's fine, I'm much better"...as he hobbles off to the swimming pool slides or to the shortstop position.  And we want to think "he's fine, he's fine..."  (notice I've switched to the first person plural to include all parents or caregivers here, to spread out my worry a bit). 

Escuchaste la broma del hijo de la fisioterapista?  No, tampoco yo!


Kathleen said...

I think you should go for the xray now. Honey.

Ellen said...

I agree with Kathleen