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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wookies and Tall Girls

I had a plan for this blog entry.  Like many plans, it has come unraveled.  I planned to post a couple photos of my kids watching the first Star Wars movie last night, together, huddled on the big blue double recliner, under a bunch of covers, munching popcorn.  This is the first time they have watched this film.  It first came out in 1977, and so the special effects which then seemed so amazing, look sort of quaint and cute.  But they did like watching it, seeing Chewbaca the Wookie and they had lots of questions about Darth Vader. 

But back to the plan.  My camera is working.  I even know where the cable to connect it to my computer is!  I took a couple of great photos of the kids.   So,  what's the problem?  Well, my connection to the internet has gone funky.  So I am now blogging on my work computer with an air card, and I cannot upload photos to this computer.  So...no pictures of the kids.

But here is a mental image for you.  Yesterday, December 8, 2010, Jeremiah and Sierra stood back to back and Sierra was taller for the first time. Even with her hair smashed down on top.  Holy moly mother of mercy!  He's in deep doo doo now. 



Kathleen said...

Maybe he was in deep doo doo, and she was standing on top of some frozen doo doo? No, you were probably taking an indoor photo. To quote you, "Holy moly mother of mercy!"

Susan Ryder said...

Comcast internet has been way funky lately. We had TV and phone the other night, but no internet. Hope you can post pics soon!

Connie Lou said...

You took me to see Star Wars in the theatre when it came out in 1977! :D

Kim said...

Comcast is back. I turned off the modem and the computer for several minutes and then prayed over the whole setup. One of those things seems to have worked! Pictures tomorrow!

Ellen said...

No one ever took me to see Star Wars. I guess I'll survive.

I thought she looked taller in the pictures you had of them outside. Tell Jeremiah great things come in short packages and if he doesn't believe it look at Grandma. HA HA HA