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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Monday, December 13, 2010

Inclement Weather

I just got the call from Unit 5 Schools that there is no school today due to "inclement weather"!  There is not much snow on the ground here, so I'm guessing it has been drifting and icy out on the country roads.  The kids will be thrilled to get to hang out at home another day and goof off. 

Yesterday Sierra and I walked Wolf in the inclement weather.  It was durned cold and  snow was blowing horizontally in the wind.  She dressed appropriately:

Wolf didn't even need an extra coat but I noticed he didn't stop to sniff his marks as long as he usually does. 

Yesterday I wore a necklace that I love, my friend Jeannie gave it to me, and my sister Jill's dog tried to eat it about 15 years ago.  So when I wear it I think of both of them.  I call it The Chewed Up Goddess Necklace.

 It might be my favorite material possession in this world.  It makes me think of the Velveteen Rabbit, or of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.  Which I think would make a good snow-day read! 



Kathleen said...

It's possible I shall always think of you now as The Chewed Up Goddess.

Ellen said...

The Velveteen Rabbit is ALWAYS a good read.

Robert said...

I noticed your necklace that morning. Cool to know what it means to you. Give Wolf a treat for me.

Collagemama said...

I love The Chewed Up Goddess! I miss my Auntie Em ring. Great-aunt Emma gave it to me in junior high. It's a Navajo silver ring that was just about my favorite material possession for decades. It's been repaired so many times that there's not much left to it but memories.