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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day

It's Boxing Day.  Get out your boxing gloves?  Nope.  Get out the boxes from the Christmas gifts and put them in recycling?  Nope.  Let the servants have the day off and give food and clothes to the poor?  Yup.  Put the food and clothes in boxes for them.  Cook your own food and do your own dishes for a change. 

Yesterday, besides being Christmas, was National Pumpkin Pie Day.  I made a pumpkin pie and took it to Francisco's house for dinner.   The kids, Francisco, a friend from Ecuador (Myra) and I all ate pie.  We ate pie with Cool Whip.  Sierra ate some Cool Whip without pie afterward.   She also asked for a plate of rice and tuna while the rest of us were eating steak (she wanted T-Bone and it wasn't a T-Bone steak so she said she'd rather have rice and tuna.  She then proceeded to eat it, as Myra said, "With Gusto!")

Myra is my niece Rosita's sister-in-law.  She is married to a guy from Holland and they have 3 kids.  She owns a Spanish Language School in Ecuador and is a very sociable friendly woman.  She was amazed at my pumpkin pie.  She asked me how long it took to cook the pumpkin to get it ready.

When I confessed that the pumpkin was from a can, she rolled her eyes and said, Oh Of Course.  Other than that she was very very sweet.  But it's a matter of perspective.  I think making my own pie crust and mixing the canned/boxed/jarred ingredients together counts as cooking from scratch.  But in her world if you don't have to go cook down the ingredients from their original vegetable or animal state it's cheating somehow. 

On the other hand she ate a huge piece and practically licked the plate clean.  So.

I guess since the servants are off today I won't be making any big meals in the kitchen.  I do wish I'd brought home a piece of that pie, though...


Ellen said...

Do you still have some of the rhubarb from this summer in your freezer? I know your dad is thinking "rhubarb pie", "rhubarb pie", "rhubarb pie". Tee Hee

Kim said...

Yes, I have 2 packages of rhubarb in the freezer! Tell Dad he can have his rhubarb pie and eat it too!

Collagemama said...

Isn't Boxing Day when the churches opened their alms-for-the-poor boxes to distribute? I get it mixed up with the Boxer Rebellion! I personally believe any pie that doesn't come from the freezer section is "homemade", so well done!