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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cartoon Voices

I am getting a cold.  A sore throat is the main symptom.  I have lots of things to help me with that...tea, honey, Ricola Natural Honey Lemon With Echinacea cough drops that are supposed to (and do) soothe sore throats.  I made an interesting discovery this morning:  those drops taste great, but when you have one just before a cup of coffee (non-negotiable unless I am on death's doorstep) the tastes don't exactly compliment each other.  Ick.

When I get a sore throat I usually lose my voice.  That makes my work life and my home life somewhat challenging.  Though the kids are often better behaved when I don't talk as much for a day or two.    But being quieter and listening more (oh, so danged difficult, so so...) become easier.  So I will be doing more of that, of necessity, of course, and it will be good.

Yes, even with a sore throat, the incorrigible optimist in me rises up and sounding something like Alvin, declares,  "Life is..squeak squeak...very very squeaky good!" 

Speaking of cartoon voices, my kids found a version of Elmer Fudd singing "I'm too sexy" on Playlist this week.  That Elmer says he is too sexy for the wabbit.  Indeed.

Hmm, my brain on echinacea seems to be wandering around a bit.  Let me have a little more coffee and try to refocus...

Mmm, I think my voice is coming back a bit.  Now I sound something like Darth Vader..come to the dark side, Luke...Oh, wait, no, I'm not Darth Vader, I'm Yoda.  How could I forget?   I took that Facebook quiz "which Star Wars Character are you?"  and was so relieved not to be Chewbaca.  Yes, yes, I am Yoda.  Do not go over to the dark side.  Stay here in the swamp with me.  Do or do not.  There is no Try.

Man, what is in those cough drops?  I'm feeling really silly...

Of course, my first cartoon personality was BooBoo...my Mom had to pretend to be Yogi Bear for me.  Over and over, apparently.  I bet she eventually pretended to have a sore throat just to get me to stop pestering her.  I can't really remember what we might have said, except that I wanted her to say "Let's go steal some pickanick baskets."  Mom?  Mom, stop laughing and help me out here.


Kathleen said...

I think my first cartoon voice was Donald Duck. I was frighteningly good.

Ellen said...

You scare the hell out of me. You know me WAY TOO WELL. I'm sitting here laughing when I read, Mom, stop laughing!!!

We WILL go see the movie "YOGI BEAR" too.

Susan Ryder said...

Use the force, Luke.

Or Airborne.

Feel better, BooBoo!