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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Monday, December 6, 2010

Da Bears

Da Bears won again, barely scraping by the Lions again.  They are now 9-3.  How did that happen?  Three more games to go in the regular season.  It would make January a little warmer if they were in the playoffs, too, but as a superstitious sports fan, I'm not saying that outloud.

Everyone knows by now that Ron Santo died last week.  I think I was the last person to find out.  I'm pretty sure that I was, except for my kids who I told after preparing them that I had some sad news.  They really liked Ron Santo after learning about him in the documentary This Old Cub which his son made.  They were both sad, and of course wanted to know what happened to him.

He died of bladder cancer.  Which is remarkable because he'd had juvenile diabetes for 52 years and had lost both of his legs to complications of that.  But in the end, he lived long enough for something else to get him.  Which I, personally, find danged inspiring!!!

Now that reminds me of a something one of my patients, pushing 90, once told me. 

Ornery old guy:    I used to know how I wanted to die.

Silly me:  How was that?

OOG:  Shot by a jealous husband.

SM:  Rolling eyes. 

In the end the ornery old guy lived long enough to die of something else, too.  Probably old age or orneriness or some combination.  And to be fair, that man loved his wife dearly.  She was my patient, too, because he brought her to me, saying, "I think you can help her and you will really really like each other."  And although I didn't help her very much, since her stroke had happened years before,  we did really really like each other.  A lot.

I think I need more coffee to try to tie some of the loose threads of this posting together, if that is even possible. 
* * * * *

Nope, I'm back, I've had more coffee, and it's hopeless.  It will just have to stand as a series of lucky but unrelated events.  Kind of like the Bears season,


Ellen said...

No loose threads left here, daughter. A very large piece of yarn of CARING in this blog, like many others of yours.

Are you sure that wasn't your Dad didn't saying he would like to be shot by a jealous husband?

Kathleen said...

Bear hugs for everybody.

Susan Ryder said...

Bob loves me dearly, and is not pushing 90. And that is the way he says he wants to die as well.
