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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


"Gawrsh!" is what the Disney character Goofy says.  He is a positive character, not always so bright but always kind.  He is a dog.  (We love dogs.)  (Must Love Dogs.)  I want to focus, here today, however, on the idea of being goofy and how great that is.

Yes, it's good to be kind, and bright, and smart, and influential.  But the most wise women know that it is not only okay, but a really great gift, to be goofy some times.  Tis a gift to be simple 'tis a gift to make serious people laugh.  I'm good at that.  I have patients that just sit around feeling sorry for themselves all day until I arrive and make them laugh.  It's the best medicine.  I know.

So how do I make people  who are sick or in pain, laugh?  First I give them some reasonable hope that we can help them.  I don't promise anything, but I do give them what I hope is a realistic idea of what they might accomplish.  THEN I just act, well, goofy.  And then when they do what they are supposed to do (their exercises or whatever) I tell them how great they are.  And how I know what they do is hard.  And look what good things have happened beause they have done those hard things.

Then I act goofy again.  And they smile.


Kim said...

I never actually say "Gawrsh" though. Just in case you were wondering.

Kathleen said...

I think you could, however, develop a variety of Gawrsh Hummus, with goofy ingredients in it!