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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Nice Day, Plain and Simple

Church services yesterday involved the kids presenting some of the Sunday School curriculum called "A Joyful Path."  Sierra and her buddy Will announced a song that to be honest, they said they would not sing in public.  But they wrote a little introduction and read it.

The program was a big hit, of course, and well attended.  That was a nice feeling for the kids and their parents, too.

In the afternoon Jeremiah worked on his social studies project.  He is making a brochure for the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. 

This is one of the three views of Jeremiah we saw yesterday.  The other two views involved a basketball and a baseball glove.  It was 50 degrees out, so we took study breaks to play some hoops and take some fielding practice!    I also folded laundry

and kept Sierra busy with a bead stringing project which we will use to transition the Christmas-Valentine's Tree to it's new incarnation as a St. Patrick's Tree!

In the evening Sierra and I had a "girls night in" as Jeremiah went to his dad's to watch the NBA All Star Game on a channel I don't get at my house.  Sierra and I had a big juicy steak for dinner.   She found a mystery box left by her grandma in the downstairs closet and set it up:

and of course added a little green tree of her own to the scene.

We skyped with the Player to Be Named Later:

Sierra went crazy with the camera and took lots of pictures of the same things:  her mom, her dog, and her new little house.   We stayed up later than usual since there is no school today as we honor dead presidents by sleeping in and being lazy.


Ellen said...

That's a perfect St. Patrick's House. You are getting lots of good out of that big tree too, aren't you?

Kathleen said...

I like our year-round holiday tree project, and also the trees on your blankie. Yes, what a good day you had! Sorry I missed the children's service, but there was a pancakes-with-husband opportunity.