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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wolf's Wisdom

The kids did not complain about being squeezed and hugged and loved up by their mama.  And I had managed to purchase almost every possible food they like for dinner and fixed whatever they wanted...so we had brats (Sisi), pizza (all 3 of us), and tortellini (Jeremiah).  

Wolf was pretty happy to see us, too.  He had a good time at Kathy's and was complaining a bit this morning that he left his book at her house and wanted to finish reading it.  He frowned a bit when I told him it isn't really his book.  So I think I will have to pick up a short novel for him later today.  Perhaps The Call of the Wild would interest him.  Sierra suggests he might like The Wild Wind, which she says is a long book about the Civil War. I asked how she knows about that book.  She said it's mentioned in Because of Winn-Dixie, which her teacher just finished reading to her class at school.  Awwww, we love anything by Kate DiCamillo in this house.  Maybe Wolf would just like reading Because of Winn-Dixie.  Yes, I'm sure he would. 

Yes, Sierra is up with me early this morning.  After a little early morning snuggle, she is now off watching "Martha Speaks" about a talking dog.  That makes me wonder what Wolf would say if he could talk to us.

Can we go for walk now, please, please please oh PLEASE!

Why Can't I have pizza or a brat for dinner?

Excuse me, Alpha Mom, I need to go outside now...Mom?  MOM?   MOMMMM!

Right now, though, he would be saying..zzzzzzzzz, snort, sigh, aw Mom your bed is so comfy.  Sierra, thank you for the Snoopy blanket, it's my favorite.  Oh, man, life is so good.

And he would be so right.


Kathleen said...

I enjoyed hearing Wolf's snorts and sighs while he stayed with us.

Ellen said...

Didn't he howl like a real WOLF? Scared the beejeebies out of me for awhile one afternoon. I guess he was saying "I NEED MY MAWM"