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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Monday, November 22, 2010

Fill your blog with thanksgiving and your heart with praise

The kids are asleep.  I am up at my usual early hour, checking email (33 percent off any one item at Borders coupon today).  There are 4 things for which to be thankful already.

Yesterday I was grateful for the reflection on gratitude at NCC and for the insightful comments after by my church community members.  I was grateful for the poetry I heard read at the Normal Public Library in the afternoon.  I was grateful for the chance to laugh and smile and hear people around me make that "mmmm" noise when something reaches them at that level where a word isn't going to go the trick so a sound will have to do.  I was grateful for chamomile tea at bedtime and for reading a scary essay by Sandra Steingraber online about this scary business of hydrofracking to get natural gas out of the ground and what that means for the environment.  I am grateful that we humans haven't yet completely destroyed the planet and for people like Sandra who are gonna do everything they can to keep that from happening.

I am grateful that next month I am going to get some women together to write letters to political prisoners around the world as part of Amnesty International's Global-Write-A-Thon.  Okay, it might just be me and Kathy, but I think we count as "some women"...some mighty women indeed!  Anyone who wants to join us is welcome.  Date and time to be determined.  Hummus will be served.

I am grateful for books.  I am SO grateful for books, for my entire life of being able to read books. 

It was still dark when I started writing my blog this morning, but now the sky is a pale blue and there is not a single cloud visible to the west.  The empty branches of the maple in my front yard are bouncing gently on the breeze.  It's gonna be a fine fine day.  Thank you.


Ellen said...

Well, great minds run in the same direction I've heard. I had NOT read your blog when I wrote mine so I did not copy but we both related to books.

Fill me in more on your letter writing. I'm interested in that.

AND...we all have a lot to be thankful for. When I think of my friends that are ill I am SO thankful for my health and some people in my life that keep me young.

Kathleen said...

Gosh, I'm glad and grateful to have you in my life, Kim, and your mom and dad, too. Love how our lives have kept circling and homing in.

In the middle of the night, the sky was white, everything visible on the lawn--the fallen leaves, the patio chair in the middle of the yard, the dry morning glory vines hanging from the power lines.

Hydrofracking does not sound good.

Unknown said...

I just love reading your blog! That reflection Sunday was perfect, and your blog kept that good feeling going. So much to be happy and thankful for!