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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hi Ho Hi Ho...

I got well Thursday!  Now I am rewarded with returning to work.  My boss was calling me frantically much of yesterday afternoon.  Apparently we are swamped.  No surprise.  When someone goes on vacation or gets sick, the number of patients magically doubles or triples before our very eyes.  She called me last night about 8, and I answered the phone, laughing, and said Don't be calling me this late.   She was laughing too, and had called me to tell me how she had tried to smooth my day for me a bit.  So, nice, and then I told her to, for gosh sakes, stop working and get some sleep.  She's had a sick child, too, this week.

While I wasn't talking to the boss about today's schedule, I watched a fabulous video on Netflix about origami.  It's called Between the Folds and it was mesmerizing, full of suprises.  Some very talented people around the world can take one sheet of paper (admittedly of various sizes) and create almost anything you can imagine.  Or beyond what you can imagine.  They are artists.  They are teachers.  They are physicists, mathematicians, papermakers, scientists who quit "real" jobs to pursue this fascination.  Some of them are even French!

I think I most closely related to the people who started out not folding, but crumpling the paper first.  Yes, that would be the Kimster's style.  Irish origami:  fold, spindle, mutilate!  Or is that Florida election judges origami?  Inquiring minds want to know! 

Well, that brings us to the subject of elections.  I'm going to coin a new term here (I think) and I want credit for this one.  Greedlock:  what will be happening in Congress over the next 2 years.  Argh.

More on this in future rants, I mean blogs.

Have a smooooth day everyone.


Kathleen said...

Greedlock! You are so right. I think this might enter the dictionary!

Ellen said...

I think Greedlock is a nicer word than I would call what I see coming. I was thinking more of a PALIN IN THE ASS.

ANYWAY...it's good to have you back, Kim. Being sick is NOT fun anytime.

ted tingley said...

One of the elected officials comment on tv yesterday was, " The highest priority of
the new congress was defeat Obama in 2012".
Thats really a stupid major single objective
to correct the problem of greedlock and the economy and etc.