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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Forget Me Not

Today is National Forget Me Not day.  So don't forget to not-forget-me and your other friends, family, and people you love. 

Forget-me-not day is for remembering the living.  Though you can not-forget any one or anything you want today. 

If you feel forgetful today, try some of this:

Gingko, in the form of gingko biloba, is supposed to help with not-forgetting.

One thing about gingko, in the form of the fallen fruits of female gingko trees, is that if you step on them you and everyone around you will be sorry because of the very very bad smell that then stays on your shoes for the day.  You may try to forget that smell, but you would be lucky if, in this case, you could not-remember. 

It is against the law to plant female gingko trees here in Uppity town.  Thank goodness.


Kathleen said...

So you're saying Uppity Town Normal is saying, "Gingko-me-not!"?

ron hardy said...

i see a little moral tale in your story about the female gingko, Kim. One of misogyny and instant karma. Not so little actually.