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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kiss Me, I'm Happy!

It's National Kiss and Make Up Day.  Now if only I weren't getting along with someone, someone I'd like to kiss.  Maybe George Clooney is still mad about Susan's birthday party cancellation.  But, if that were so, I'm a good friend so I'd let him kiss Susan instead of me.  Even though she already has Bob.  See, I am such a good, good friend.  It's also Friendship Week and  Admit You're Happy Month.

I am happy!  Also silly, quirky, inquisitive, and Irish.  Plus about 56 other nationalities in all likelihood.

I am a happy Heinz 57 tomato!  No, that's not right, that's just silly and quirky.  And wrong, since Heinz is the ketchup made from the 57 varieties, not a particular tomato.  And I definitely don't want to think of myself as a bottle of ketchup.  Or catsup.  Depending.  On what, I do not have the slightest idea.

Nor do I care.  Wait, yes I do because I am inquisitive. 

Answer to yesterday's lazy remark about the year of publication of Winesburg Ohio (Ok, I was in the kitchen, saw the book lying on top of a stack of stuff that needs to be put away)...first published in 1919, the copy I have published in 1958.  So in 1958 paperbacks could cost as much as $1.45.  That seems like a lot for 1958 for some reason.  Maybe prices went down in the 60's when books had to compete with TV?  Inquiring minds want to know!

I am inquisitive but lazy.  Google is perfect for ME!

So, we have established that I am happy, silly, inquisitive but lazy, quirky, and Irish. 

And, possibly a little bit uppity.


Ellen said...

Well, you ARE inquisitive. When you were little one of the first things you did that drove me nuts was ask "WHY" to everything and I mean EVERYTHING.

You are NOT LAZY, and you are definitely NOT UPPITY, dear.

A little crazy maybe, but think you inheritated that.

Kathleen said...

Glad you are in such uppity spirits!

I like your songs of the day!! Be sure Curt hears them.

I'll kiss you!