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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Girls Night Out

After our church steering committee meetings, some of us like to go to the Medici for a drink.  Well, that would be Nikki and me and whoever we can convince to go along.  Once it was Bob.  Twice it was David.  Tonight it was Susan.

For Nikki and me, going out with Bob or David is fun.  Both are the kind of men that you can talk freely with, about most things.   But when you get a chance for a GNO there's nothing like it.

Susan and I gave Nikki a difficult time about how she knows everyone and was so busy schmoozing people in the bar/restaurant that she couldn't be bothered to sit down with us.  Finally we corralled her to the table so we could order some wine and food.  In that order, of course, cause it was GNO.

Meanwhile Susan had wandered around to ask people about what they had ordered, was it good, and so on.  That's how Susan deciced to order Sangria, 'cause a lady in the restaurant part of the establishment said it was the best Sangria she'd ever had in her life.  And no offense, but that lady was not born yesterday.

So then Nikki decided to order Sangria too.  Even though we didn't know how much it cost cause the waitress kept saying she wasn't sure,something like 6-and-a-half bucks.  It turned out to be $8.  But at least it wasn't $112 like I warned those gals it might be.  I was wrong.

I ordered a glass of Pinot Grigio, 'cause I don't like Sangria, but Susan was right, it was too durned hot for red wine.  Heat index of 102 and more tomorrow.  Yowza!

So we laughed and talked and, gasp!  we even gossiped a bit.

Several people that knew...who else..Nikki stopped by our table to chat.    Susan and I started composing a poem out loud,  kind of loudly, on a topic that no one else would find interesting except us, and people from the next table started looking at us.

Is anyone following me here?
Perhaps you had to be there.  But is that going to stop me from continuing?  Heck no.

We did not order hummus or rhubarb pie.  Nikki and Susan ordered some spinach dip that they claimed would take forever but it was on the table before my wine.  Did I mention that Nikki knows everyone?  And seems to have alot of influece in the community and in restaurants?  At least more than I do. 
Oh, well, that's kind of the end of the evening.  We walked out to the parking lot together and because the heat index was down to 101 we talked for about 12 seconds more then got into our air-conditioned vehicles and drove away to our respective homes to dream about hummus, peaches, rhubarb pie, and/or one of the people who stopped by the table to chat with Nikki.

GNO rocks even for us mature church-going women.


Susan Ryder said...

Yeah, that "one or more" was kinda dreamy!

Kim said...

I think Kevin should go out with our waitress, though. They are both really cute. And young.

Kathleen said...

For tonight's GNO, I have Pinot Grigio chilling and Corona. My mom is coming! I have 40 spices hummus and Insane Grain. And baby carrots. No Sangria.

Kim said...

I have a bottle of Zen of Zin for the red wine crowd. Tomorrow's post will be Girls Night IN...I am bringing my camera so dress up gals!