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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Monday, August 16, 2010

Breakfast and a Story

Breakfast is included in our hotel, which means Jeremiah and Sierra can go to breakfast in their PJs!

Of course they also travelled here in their PJs, switched to their swimsuits for the pool, and only got dressed for a few minutes yesterday to walk to DQ for dinner.  They'd have gone to DQ in their PJs if I hadn't played the heavy.

Now we are in our room watching TV and getting ready to head to the pool, then the beach.  Oh the choices, the decisions....waffles or toast?  Answer:  BOTH!  Pool or beach?  Answer:  BOTH!  Great taste or less filling?  Well, you get the idea.

and now a story about the birds, the bees, and another animal

The other night I was talking to Bob, that would be Susan's Bob, about how kids learn the facts of life.  I was lamenting the fact of all those ED commercials on during the sporting events that we watch.  I keep waiting for them to spark "the question" which is no longer "mom, where do babies come from?" but rather "mom, what does 'an erection lasting more than four hours' mean?"

Well, the very next night Jeremiah and I were watching, what else, a Cubs game.  Cialys commerical came on.  That's the one with the people in the bathtubs, in case you don't watch sports on TV.  Jeremiah was watching this commercial with the intensity he usually reserves for thinking up ways to bug his sister. 

Mom:  Do you know what this commerical is about?
Son:  No.
Mom:  Do you have any idea what they are talking about?
Son:  No.
Mom:  When you figure it out and you have questions, will you ask me?
Son:  Yes.
Mom:  Do you have any questions now?
Son.  Yes.  Was there an alligator in this commercial?
Mom:  I didn't notice any alligators but I will watch it more carefully next time.

These talks never go like you think they will.  I'm trying to keep that in mind for the future.


Kathleen said...


But you might want to look into this alligator.

Unknown said...

I love it!!

Kim said...

Yes, I will look for the alligator. I think maybe it shows up in the beach scene when the couple are in their separate bathtubs??

Ellen said...

Sounds like a WONDERFUL vacation if I could just quit laughing.

ted tingley said...

Alligator in the bath tub is not funny.

ted tingley said...

When I first read the blog I got it all backwords. If you replace Mom with Son and Son with Mom for each line you will see how I read it. Now that was interesting.

Connie Lou said...

I am laughing so hard right now! That is so funny about him wondering about the alligator!