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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Three Wishes

I am tired of being hot and sweaty.  I realize that except for my short walks between my car and patients' homes or the few minutes it takes my car to cool off once I start it up, I'm in air conditioning all day and sometimes have a fan blowing on me as well.  So I should not complain.  But I'm still tired of it.  So I guess I am complaining.

In general I try not to complain about weather.  In winter I rarely whine about cold or snow or such things.  It's just part of life. I don't cry when rain spoils my outdoor plans and I don't usually complain about heat either.  But I do whine about being tired.  This much heat and humidity so many days in a row is making me sluggish.

This morning I'm probably feeling a little tired because at 3:33 a.m. I awoke and after taking care of the business which woke me up in the first place, I realized that the night was clear and the stars were out and if I went outside and looked up I might see some shooting stars.

I went out on the deck and looked up for a few minutes.  No shooting stars but I think it was the best star-gazing night I've seen in many years.  Not a cloud in sight.  No moonlight.  The neighborhood was dark except for an errant street light or two.  After a few minutes my neck began to hurt so I went inside and retrieved a pillow and blanket and went back out to view the sky from a horizontal position.

I saw three shooting stars in about 10 minutes.  I wasted my wishes on the first two, thinking before I could control my sleepy mind, "Oh I wish I could see another one."  Finally on the third star, I wished for something else.

At 3:54 a.m. I went back inside to bed.  The bed felt deliciously comfortable after lying on the hard deck for a while, and I drifted off to dream of a strange man wearing white gloves and a white hat performing a puppet show.


Ellen said...

How neat. Almost as neat as seeing the Northern Lights in AK, right?

Kathleen said...
