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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Heading Home

It's Saturday morning.  We've had breakfast here in the hotel for the last time, and I am grateful that I don't have to start the day with weak coffee again tomorrow.  This morning I saw a gentleman fill a styrofoam cup with decaf weak coffee about halfway, then fill the cup with...hot water.  Shudder.  Why bother?  Unless you just like to hold warm styrofoam in your hand in the morning.

Francisco headed to the hot tub, and the kids are enjoying a little more Disney channel on TV while I blog here one last time. 

Our plan is to go to the Holland Farmer's Market and then drive home.  It's raining, which will make going to the Market a little messier but leaving easier.  We had a good vacation.  The beaches here are lovely and we have had perfect weather.  Even rain on the last day is perfect. 

Last night we told the kids everyone could get food from whatever restaurant they wanted...which meant I drove to Subway for Miah, McDonalds for Sisi, and then to DQ for desserts!  Meanwhile Francisco walked across the street to China Inn and got us some grown-up food.

The kids want to come back, specifically to this town and this hotel.  And all I have to do is remember to bring some way to make my own stronger java and all will be well.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

We had rain on the last day, too! Isn't Michigan nice?!

Let's have strong coffee soon, dear!