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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Girls Night In!

Last night the Kirk women and I got together at Kathy's house for a little food, wine and conversation.  Susan had actually organized the event but then was called away on duty...she had to go to a meeting and convert some Lutherans to the ways of Openness and Affirmingness, and afterward she was too tired.  It's hard work getting some people to love thy neighbor.   She missed a delightful evening and we missed her.  She throws the best parties, even if she's not there!

I knew that Kathy was serving spicy hummus and baby carrots.  I brought a vegetable contribution, too. 

It was very popular.

But we didn't discriminate against more modest vegetables:


During the telling of a true story about a man who left his wife, I peeled and sliced that vegetable and we ate it with relish, I mean with hummus.

Yes there was red and white wine, and really good dark chocolate, and a bowl full of cherries.  Hmm...also some garlic and onions on the side.  We actually were not allowed to leave until we had taken either an onion or a garlic bulb with us.  There was conversation on topics ranging from theater and opera to literature to art  to demolition derby to television shows we love that have been cancelled to the size of the perfect vegetable.  Which was determined to be somewhere between a baby carrot and a cucumber.     

The Kirks are a fabulously fun family, and I highly recommend you book your next Girls Night In with them!


Ellen said...

I doubt they can wait for me but I'm looking forward to some of these Special events. Hopefully I'll acquire a taste for humus but frankly I doubt it.

ANYWAY...count me in next year. Maybe I can even host a GNI

Kathleen said...

Isn't that a Tony Rio painting in the background?! With pink and green pointy cucumbers?!

Susan Ryder said...

Sorry I missed the fun but glad to have organized a great GNI! I just hope Peg forgives me since clearly I was the only reason she showed up.

Anonymous said...

per Ellen: me, too - maybe?

Kim said...

Susan, Peg forgives you since, in your absence, we had a very large cucumber...

Anonymous said...

Yer funny. Really. I'm a blog convert now. This is Chris. I'm the one with the cucumber. But! I gave the little carrot equal time. Luv.