About Me

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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Blog Deferred

This morning I awoke at 5:57, fell back asleep clutching my cell phone which also serves as my alarm clock, until the alarm went off in what seemed like just a few minutes.  That's because even though time is non-linear it WAS just a few minutes.  I shut the alarm off and then crawled out of bed and up to the kitchen to make coffee and to blog.  That's what I do almost every morning at 6 a.m.  But today, after I opened up my laptop and sat down, children's unhappy whining voices could be heard upstairs.  Ah well....blogging would have to wait.

At 8 a.m. the carpet cleaner guy, Mike, showed up.  I got him settled in (i.e. paid) so he could start work, then the kids and Wolf and I hopped in the car.  Kids went to gymnastics day camp, Wolf went to Belly Rubs, Inc., a great new dog grooming place, and I went to the bank and then to Borders.  I tried to blog there but the Wifi connection was lousy.  I'm not the only one who thought so, as I heard grown men's unhappy whining voices complaining about the same thing two tables over.  Ah well...blogging would still have to wait.

After drinking coffee then heading out to buy school supplies, Kerry from Belly Rubs called and said Wolf was ready.  And was he ever.  He looks great and smells fantastic.  I tried to blog in the living room sitting on the couch after we got home but Wolf wouldn't get up on the couch and the carpet is still damp, so I whined a little but Wolf ignored me.  Ah well..blogging would have to be moved to the kitchen.

Wolf is now on his Dora the Explorer fold-out couch which doubles as his bed.  In the kitchen.  I am at the kitchen table so he will stay here.  Blogging is finally underway!

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