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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Friday Sales!

No, not Soupy Sales, or Back-to-School Sales, or any of those things.  Friday sales are Garage Sales.  In my life as a home care therapist I get to drive around on Fridays as part of my job, and often I am too busy to stop when I see a sign that says "Huge Multi-Family Garage Sale"  or even better "Block Sale" or best of all "Neighborhood Garage Sales, maps available!"  But yesterday when I was sure I would be too busy, one of my patients cancelled in the middle of the morning and I got to go to several sales. 

First I followed a sign through a neighborhood of small one-car-garage ranch homes (middle class people have better garage sales than the rich, prices are better and the stuff will actually go with my mixed-up-middle-class decor or lack thereof.)  I pulled up to the house only to realize I had been in this house before.   I had taken care of the woman's mother when she was visiting from Venezuela last year and broken her foot.  Mom has gone back home but the daughter and I had hit it off from day one, both being bilingual we conversed happily in Spanglish.  At her garage sale I bought

two lightweight folding chairs for the upcoming beach vacation,

and an earring holder, plus two pairs of earrings.  Yes, I can count.  The photo includes some of my own earrings.  Jeez.

 In fact, I had forgotten to wear earrings yesterday so I popped one pair in and got compliments on them all day.  (The ones on the left, with the feathers.)

Next stop, after seeing a patient and running into my massage therapist at the assisted living facility (there to pick up HER mom) and getting the first compliment on my earrings, plus a hug (yeah!), I stopped at a block sale.  Three houses but one was all baby stuff.  At one I bought a few kitchen utensils that I could use and at the last one I found....(insert here Beethoven's Fifth again...da da da DAH!)

a bread machine!  The good news is that I have the mother-in-law's word that it works just fine.  The bad news is that the guy selling it could not find the instructions.  I went ahead and bought it anyway and I hope to find instructions online.  See later blogs for more bread-baking adventures.

The bread machine IS in the garage, sitting on top of the free filing cabinets I got last Tuesday at church.   I am such a bargain shopper!!!

Next garage sales here and there provided some cool kids books about:


Creepy looking but I am pretty sure Sierra will love those books.

If you are in the market for Harry Potter books this is the time to shop garage sales. Every single sale had a set of them. What's that all about?

Other minor finds were found. 

Yes, it looks like we are getting down to the bottom of the barrel, here, doesn't it?  But wait!  At the very last sale of the day,  I bought these 4 beautiful mixing bowls

the largest one is actually too big to fit into my kitchen cabinets so it will have to have a place of honor on the sideboard or on top of the cupboards.  These are great bowls, nice and heavy, too.

All in all it was a very successful shopping day.  Then I arrived home and found THIS had arrived in the mail.

yes, Season Three arrived!  Now my possessions are complete.  Except it's time to shop for school supplies.  Did you know there is a "tax holiday" in Illinois on school supplies this week?  Yee haw!


Kathleen said...

I did not know that! I, too, love the feather earrings AND the earring holder. And I am familiar with that particular snake book! I love the coincidence of the bread machine! I love the clothes in your virtual closet! What is the song of the day?

Kim said...

I couldn't find a song that wasn't annoying. I had Soupy Sales singing a song about how his girlfriend likes Frankenstein then took it off. Annoying. I found some songs about garage sales that were country-western and mostly sappily sad. Annoying. Then I looked for songs about earrings....another country song about a woman who didn't like the way someone else was looking at her man and she was about to take her earrings off to start a cat fight. Annoying and scary. So instead of a song of the day, I suggest you hum to yourself and wait to see what's out there tomorrow! Or whistle. You know how to whistle doncha? Just put your lips together and blow...