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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Test Questions

No Gentle Readers, I was not busy with the kind of indoor activities I imagine you imagined yesterday.  The kids, the Player, and I had a day of naps, movies, cooking (salmon and potatoes for dinner, yum!)  baking (pumpkin pie which has already been reduced to one slice), and reading.   The kids had an all day project which basically involved them testing the limits of my patience to see if it would be

a.  the same as
b.  greater than, or
c.  less than

the usual limits, since the Player is here. 

The correct answer is True.  It is.

So today if the weather is good we will go to Fairview Pool.  If not we will watch the Cubs on WGN.  Tonight if I can get a sitter the Player and I are going to a movie.  Local blog readers all invited to join us!  Normal Theater 7 p.m., a film with Javier Bardem!!!  (Yes, I picked this film.  Yes, the correct answer is d.  All of the Above.)

Don't forget any of this as there will be a quiz tomorrow.


Susan Ryder said...

So, no church?

Susan Ryder said...

Yay for church!

Collagemama said...

Hmmm. I sure hope the movie isn't "Goya's Ghosts", the only time I've actually seen the creepy Javier B. Obviously, I'm not a movie-goer.

Susan Ryder said...

I'm waiting for the quiz ...