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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Getting Susan Back on Schedule

Poor Susan has had her entire schedule thrown out of whack by my unorthodox blogging times the past few days.  So she said yesterday both commenting here and at the post-steering-committee-meeting-debriefing (no briefs were removed, don't worry) at the Medici.   We had a wonderful time at the debriefing (again, no worries about briefs here).  We had the visually hilarious experience of watching our wait-person bring a bottle of wine to our table that he opened with the usual flourish but it was a screw cap. I needed those laughs after Monday's hideously busy "day off" (ha!) and Tuesday's all-day meeting in Peoria for work (leaving my house at 6:30 a.m., ack!) and then the steering committee meeting.  I have been sitting so much in the past 24 hours that I can say my behind is not happy.  But I'm still smiling.

Anyway, I was so danged busy running around on Monday and sitting around on Tuesday that my blogging schedule got messed up.  But I'm back.  You can hum a few bars of "I Will Survive" or you can imagine Jack Nicholson, whichever the phrase I'm Back calls to mind first.  Or you can imagine Jack Nicholson sticking his head through a wall while singing I Will Survive, Hey Hey! if you like to integrate various parts of your brain with scary singing scenes like that.  As I sometimes do.

And if you prefer to imagine Governor Arnold in his space alien acting days, you will be glad to know that tomorrow morning I'll Be Back!  on my usual schedule, Lord willin' and the creek don't rise.


Susan Ryder said...

Thank goodness! Now I'll know which end is up today. At least I hope I will. And thanks for not only mentioning me (in briefs) in your blog, but also for making me the title.

Kathleen said...

I am imagining your back and your behind! And seeing your smiling face in my mind!

Susan Ryder said...

Is she wearing briefs?

Collagemama said...

Not knowing Susan, I was just thinking how fun it would be to get lazy Susans back on my schedule. Lazy Susans should be on the tables of local pancake houses with pitchers of maple syrup, blueberry syrup, strawberry and cherry. Dust motes should be floating in the air amidst molecules of hot coffee, bacon grease, and newspapers. Little toddlers should be sitting in those slightly sticky wooden booster chairs wearing big bibs and driving Hot Wheels on the table.... but with clean, dry briefs.