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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Windy Wednesday

Windy Wednesday today.  There is a welcome lack of heat and humidity this morning, after our rains of last night. This post-solstitial weather suits me just fine.

Today is Chocolate Eclair Day.  Just in case you were wondering when you should indulge in a chocolate eclair.  That would be today.  Unless, of course, you are a dog or you are allergic to chocolate.  In that case you should indulge in something else that would make you equally happy.  Or even happier. 

If you are a dog and you are reading my blog, I think that is pretty amazing.  You probably know how to order a large meat-lovers pizza to be delivered to your house, answer the door, and pay with your owner's credit card.

Sisi's bed, in pieces, got picked up by the garbage dudes yesterday.  Before that happened she had a moment of weakness (she hates to get rid of anything) and wanted me to keep the pieces of particle-board (now soaked in rainwater for 2 days) so she could build a "tent."  She took some pictures to remember the bed, but I can't upload photos today so...another time.  When she realized she could not keep the wet warped pieces of fake wood for construction materials, she found some strips of electrical tape that had been holding drawers together and made herself a necklace out of them. 

I think that's pretty amazing, too.


ted tingley said...

Bow wow! Sierra is amazing. So is Kim . So is Jeramia.

Kathleen said...

Excellent recycling!

Collagemama said...

Reminds me of Danger Baby's phase sculpting styrofoam packing materials into dioramas for his military vehicles. He used to dumpster dive for good forms. I caught myself standing at the dumpster today evaluating the diorama possibilities for some really nice styrofoam, briefly forgetting that Danger Baby is now an attorney in NYC.