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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Friday, June 24, 2011

Wacky and Freaky

Last night I slept 10 hours.  I would have slept longer but the alarm actually woke me up today, as opposed to yesterday morning when I slept late because my phone was set on "silence all".  This is a setting I did not even know existed and I don't know how it got there, but the universe was helping me get extra sleep through technological ineptness, apparently.  Last night I went to bed so early that I am embarrassed to tell you the time. 

Ok, it was 8:30.

So today it is Friday and I have a busy enough day planned for myself with work, Jeremiah's baseball game this evening, and packing for a short trip to the Dunes Saturday and Sunday with the kids and The Player.  Wolf will be visiting the Kirk-Rios and getting to sniff and pee all over east Normal for a change of venue.

But today the kids are going to a Friday program sponsored by the Parks and Rec department.  The Friday programs are generally called Freaky Fridays.  And today's program is Wacky Water Day.  I think they mostly get to spend the day getting wet in and out of the pool.  I hope it warms up a bit before the water play starts, since it is only 59 degrees right now.  Brrrrrr.

Aha!  Blogger is letting me upload photos again.  Here is the former stack of wood that Sisi wanted to turn into a tent.  Just imagine.  Shudder.

Yesterday afternoon the kids and I went to the library to get some books.  There is a contest going on in the children's department that caught Sisi's attention.  It's a Castle Building contest.  She came home and got right to work.  My girl...she went right to the recycling bin to gather her supplies!  Wolf's castle is made of a diet coke 12-pack box, 2 plastic bottles upside down for the towers.  It has a drawbridge that works, and a big red dragon guarding the place.  The assembly is complete and all that is left to do is paint it. We will do that on Monday afternoon.   Lucky Wolf...a little drawn version of him sits inside the castle on a throne!   The final product will most certainly be featured here next week, Gentle Readers.  Until then, enjoy your day and may it be wacky but not too freaky.  Unless you like that sort of thing.

And don't freak out if I don't blog this weekend.  Don't want to get sand in my laptop!


Kathleen said...

Go ahead and get sand in your swimtop!

Collagemama said...

And build sand castles.