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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Turf Toe

Turf Toe is the official diagnosis of what happened to J-dude when he bounced in an unfortunate, painful, toe-jamming-twisting way on the trampoline Monday night.  Poor little guy was in tears.  RICE was in order:  rest, ice, compression, elevation.  (Acronym learned in PT school and used more as a Mom than in work.)  Didn't look broken Monday but didn't look  much better by Tuesday night.  So Wednesday morning I made an appointment for him to see the pediatrician. 

Of course when I picked him up from day camp to go to the doctor he appeared to be walking normally for the first time since the accident.

But the toe was still swollen and painful and Doctor Aaron diagnosed it as...turf toe.  An injury common to football and soccer players who jam their toes on the turf while the toe is flexed.   Apparently you can do it on a trampoline, too.

Thinking now that maybe I should have been an athletic trainer.  It might save us some trips to the doctor as J-dude gets older. 

The good news is that the treatment for turf toe is RICE, and if there is a hairline fracture in there as well you can "buddy tape" the toe...which is what I had been doing all along with a little Coban.  (Buddy taping means you tape the toe to the next toe , to it's "buddy" so to speak.)  

Speaking of buddies...Kathy and I went to see Bridesmaids last night.  I rarely see new movies in the theater, and this one is hardly "new" but still in theaters.  I laughed almost non-stop for 2 hours.  Like any comedy, best to see in a theater with a bunch of strangers eating popcorn around you and laughing, too.   A really cold theater on a hot summer night.  Oh yea!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Bridesmaids is hilarious and indeed rated R. Turf Toe looks like it hurts more than our laughing innards did last night, though my ribs are still a little sore. Good thing we weren't eating popcorn. We might have inhaled a kernel and collapsed a lung. It happens.

I hope the J-Dude will feel all the way better soon!