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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In Which I Spend Two Weeks Salary in One Day

So...the computer doodad did not work.  I received this bad news when I called BAMJAC Monday morning.  MJ was working on my laptop right then, trying to figure out what was wrong with the durned thing.  He called me later, waking me from my Monday afternoon nap, and said "not worth fixing."  I would at least have liked to finish my nap before receiving this news.  But instead...

I went to Best Buy and looked around.  Overwhelmed, I called Connie who gave me some advice.  Backed with this advice, I bought a new laptop.  Not as expensive as I'd thought, but more expensive than the doodad repair would have been.  If it had worked.

Next, the car.  Routine maintenance.  But routine maintenance of the "every 60,000 mile service" type that makes you wonder if keeping your 125,000 mile vehicle is worth it because the maintenance costs, well, more than a new computer! But yes, car is maintained and drives so smoothly now, and so I feel happy and blessed.  Working car, working computer, healthy family, a home with AC, some food in the fridge, a sweet old dog, and a sense of humor.  What else could a girl want?


Kathleen said...

Glad you are up and running, if not currently napping.

Collagemama said...

Oh, so sorry about the $ and the fried smatzit! Hope you had all your computer things backed up--and thank you for that important reminder to back mine up right now! See, you provided a public service.