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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

When You Get Confused at The Kroger

When you are at The Kroger at the end of a day in which you had to fill in for your boss which means sitting at a desk for 8 hours, answering phone calls, emails, texts, visits to your office door and then trying to figure out how to put out 16 fires with 8 buckets of water (metaphor, no real fires)...you might be tired.  You might get confused.  You might forget that you do NOT have one of these:

and that you are supposed to enter your phone number (the old number of the landline that no longer exists but still gives you access to the fabulous Kroger Plus discounts) and instead you open your wallet and swipe the card for this alternative grocery store (out of habit since this is where you normally shop)

....if you do that do you know what happens? 

I was afraid that alarms would sound, a big net would fall down on me, and the manager of the store would holler Shame On You!  at me.

But instead what happens is...Kroger accepts your card from The Other Grocery and gives you the discounts anyway. 

You gotta love that!  I nominate Kroger for President!


Collagemama said...

Wow. You're kidding. So could Kroger scan just any barcode whatsoever and give you a discount? If you can nominate a grocery store for President, I can nominate a vegetable for VP. My preschoolers are intrigued with "cabbage head" and "lettuce head".


Those Kroger Cards also get you cash at the gas pump and you DO NOT have to give them a phone number. I had $30 worth of Kroger coupons one day too. SO...you might want to re-think getting one of those.

Know you had a GREAT time playing boss. I can tell from your blog. :)

Kathleen said...

I wish you were my boss.