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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Chickpea Lit

I just finished reading Kathleen's blog for today Chick Lit/Dick Lit. So, I thought, what about CHICKPEA LIT? Persian Ghazals, Mediterranean Cookbooks, and don't forget that classic by Hunter Thompson: Fear and Loathing in the Kitchen.

Dickpea lit, otherwise known as potty humor literature, is something about which I know very little. (See how hard I worked to avoid ending that sentence with a proposition, er I mean preposition?)

I did not google dickpea lit but if I did and there were websites, I certainly would feel fear and loathing at the thought of clicking them, as well.

(If anyone other than Kathleen reads this, then you will have to read her blog at www.kathleenkirkpoetry.blogspot.com in order to understand what the heck I'm talking about....to understand about what the heck I'm talking?....to understand what about the heck talking I'm...)



Kathleen said...

I had just taken a sip of red wine when I accessed your blog...

One spit take later, and after a bit of wiping up, I was able to read your amazingly dotty potty hummor [sic].

I understand the Hummer has been discontinued, though the Car Talk guys didn't seem to know this yet when I heard them recommend the Hummer to a lady who is moving to the rainforest in Panama, to raise chickpeas. They were recommending it as an all-terrain vehicle that can actually climb trees, but I see that she could use it to grind her crop into hummus. If she plants garlic right beside the sweet little chickpeas, the hummus will already be made!

Then she can just add pine nuts! Or spiced nuts!

Kim said...

AND if she can somehow grow sesame seeds nearby she might be able to make her tahini while wearing a Panamanian bikini.

Kathleen said...

By all beans!